The Film

This feature documentary project was initiated in 2018 by Danny Cohen, who has been collaborating for many years with Courtney Barnett on her award-winning and highly imaginative music videos. Danny spent three years on tour in Europe, the US and Asia and at home in Melbourne filming with Barnett as a one-man crew, shooting on a 16mm camera, customised to record sync sound.

In tandem with filming, at the suggestion of Danny, the notoriously guarded Courtney Barnett kept an audio diary on an analogue Dictaphone. These unmediated reflections capture Courtney’s internal struggles - from her own confidence and self-perception, to the pressures of fame, to understanding her place in music and as an artist navigating the world around her.

ANONYMOUS CLUB was financed with the MIFF Premiere Fund, Film Victoria, Screen Australia, The Post Lounge, Mind The Gap Film Finance and Film Art Media, alongside private investment.